The latest across-flock sire summary was published in March.
This summary is breed wide covering 90 odd flocks, (not the smaller NZOSR summary referred to in earlier posts which covers about half the national flock).
Each trait page lists 35 rams, which represent the top 3% of the 1028 registered ram total.
When you consider that registered rams must fall within the top 15% of their within flock peers, it could be considered that these 35 trait leaders fall within the top 0.5% of all rams born.
Waione rams figuring on these lists, with their respective trait ranking are as follows:
Adult Growth: 68/04 24
208/03 35
Smaller sheep rank highest, and a bit of a surprise here to me.
I thought my sheep were too big to rank.
Bigger sheep are presumed to come at a feed cost.
Meat: 400/00 11
311/07 12
166/02 21
198/05 24
275/05 34
20 years selection using eye-muscle scan indexing shows.
Never been a fan of selecting for body length.
Prefer deeper bodied, big back-end, and hill-worthy.
Wool: 297/07 9
300/07 23
329/02 26
Continuing focus on fleece weight and quality.
Summaries for each trait can be viewed at:
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