Friday, June 22, 2012

Best Current TV

A mate complained the other day TV programming was so bad he was chucking in his Sky subscription.
Have to agree, although I'm hanging in there for the rugby.
Unlike him, I didnt get sucked into Soho, I thought it was pretty charlatan of Sky to put all the interesting stuff into a subscription extra, but even that, my mate says, has run its initial novelty out.

What I have found rivetting viewing is Country99's coverage of the Fonterra TAF debate.
As a sheep and beef farmer I've been to-ing and fro-ing, trying to understand the significance of the various arguments for and against in the written media, Country99's three part debate currently screening puts a heap of perspective to the issue.

Have to say I'm now a huge fan of Louise Guiney, she has an articulacy one rarely comes across, showing particularly well in the glare of a TV studio last night.
The Feds Dairy No2, Robin Barkla I think it was, was rock solid sound delivery too.
If I was a tit-puller I'd be voting "NO".
Put aside the emotive high ground argument of keeping the co-op for future generations, it simply comes down to, is it in the individual farmers best interest to demutalise, and I dont think so.
There are plenty of people running round who see it in the national interest, control the price of milk, get in on a share of the industry action, but, what have they ever cared about the individual farmer?
If they want a share of the action they can always buy a dairy farm, the Chinese are happy to.
And for years I've wondered why city investors dont invest in direct farm mortgage rather than shonky finance companies, we're a more secure asset run by basically honest operators.
All this business about the price of milk getting beyond the average Kiwi is drivel, and I see the DIRA as just another step in getting control of somebody elses asset without having to put up some blood sweat and tears.

The other reason I'm going to hang in on Sky TV, is mySky with its post view flexibility, and I think iSky's going to have a future, particularly now you can buy data in such big packages.
Jamie McKay's gone on line with his "Farming Show", which is great given you cant always make a date with a timed radio slot, and maybe one day our newest Ag Communicator of the Year, Steve Wyn-Harris might too!

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